MAPRx Submits Comments on Administration’s Proposed Rebate Reform Rule

Today MAPRx submitted comments on behalf of the Coalition and 23 member organizations in support of the Department of Health and Human Services’ proposed rule to reform the rebate system in Medicare Part D in an effort to lower out-of-pocket costs for Part D beneficiaries.

The Coalition has long recognized that for the more than 43 million Americans on Part D, high out-of-pocket costs are a significant issue. With no true cap on out-of-pocket spending, beneficiaries often end up spending thousands of dollars on medically-necessary prescription drugs – worse, many are unable to afford these costs and must forego treatment, putting their health in danger.

The MAPRx Coalition believes the proposed rule is an important first step in addressing out-of-pocket costs in Medicare Part D. While there are still many details to be ironed out, we support the concept of passing negotiated rebates on to the patients at the pharmacy counter. Lower out-of-pocket spending at the pharmacy counter will likely benefit beneficiaries, especially those who require expensive medications in a plan with high cost-sharing requirements.

The MAPRx Coalition looks forward to working with HHS and the administration to implement this proposed rule. We urge HHS to ensure it is implemented in a way that minimizes disruptions for beneficiaries and lowers their out-of-pocket costs without restricting access to life-saving medications.

Click here to read the Coalition’s full comment letter.